While surfing the web on Stumbleupon.com I came across this webpage titled "Brazil Travel Tips."
http://www.thebrazilshow.com/traveltips.html The information presented interested me because I am currently planning a trip to a foreign country and I need to know whether I have to get a visa and how much the U.S. dollar would be worth in that country.
The author of this web page listed the most important things to remember when traveling to Brazil. Someone who is looking for this kind of information would probably want it to be in a format that is quick and easy to read. There is no need for reading long paragraphs about travel tips. This web page is separated into categories with bold headings. This format helps direct the reader to the information that they are looking for without any trouble.
The categories chosen are clear and the information given in each of the sections is relevant. These heading things include Visas, Vaccines, Currency, Language,etc. In the visas section, the author informs the reader that a visa needs to be acquired by any U.S. citizen at most 90 days before traveling to Brazil. This is very useful information since many countries only require passports, most people would not think to obtain a visa.
Although the information presented is very useful, it is not presented in the most professional manner. Throughout the document there are some grammatical errors such as incomplete sentences and missing punctuation. A bulleted list might have been a better option. Aside from this, the colors and pictures are visually appealing.